The Strategic Re-Opening Of Our Community

Our advancement to Phase Two of re-opening the community has been encouraging, however each stage of reopening will continue to be thoughtfully implemented. We remain on guard and sensitive to the fluid nature of the situation and are fully committed to the safety of our residents and staff. With that in mind, the reopening of Timber Ridge may differ from the state’s or county’s phased approach. We will continue to base decisions for the pace of each phase on state and regional criteria, advice from public health officials, and the health status of our community. We will evaluate how we shift our protocols after we know our community is no longer at risk, and with careful consideration of the guidance offered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), and local and state health departments.
Like all of you, we too look forward to the day when we can resume our lives as a community and gather with our friends and family. In the meantime, the health and safety of residents and employees must remain our highest priority. We continue to believe that we are in a marathon rather than a sprint in dealing with Covid-19. There are no shortcuts or easy answers when it comes to how we reduce our risk, and it’s as important as ever that we continue to remain focused on protecting ourselves and supporting each other.

Timber Ridge at Talus service updates and visitor policies are as follows:

Timber Ridge at Talus Phase Two (II) of reopening:

• Masks are required to be worn by all residents and staff in all indoor and outdoor community spaces
• Small group (resident) gatherings of 5 or less are allowed with masks and social distancing
• Outside visitors such as family members remain prohibited
• Wellness Clinic visits have resumed including: Physician/Physician Assistant, Podiatrist, Audiologist, Dentist, Dental Hygienist, Dermatologist and Massage Therapy
• Full housekeeping has been reinstated, with social distancing and appropriate personal protective equipment
• SERVED Dinner Buffet is now available in addition to our meal delivery program
• Outdoor dining is allowed with proper social distancing (masks must be worn to and from the table)
• Outpatient therapy has resumed
• Dry Cleaning service has resumed
• The pool and fitness center are open with limited operations. The hot tub remains closed.
• The salon has opened with limited operations
We understand the risks posed to our community from COVID-19 and remain committed to our processes. As the situation evolves, and we make changes to our protocols, residents, employees and families will be notified first. We will work to keep you informed via our website.

Thank you for your patience, your support, and for embodying the hopeful spirit that Timber Ridge at Talus is known for as we continue to navigate this process together. If you have specific questions on how Timber Ridge at Talus will reopen, please contact 425.427.5200 for local information. For more information about COVID-19 and our national response to COVID-19, go to

All future updates regarding the COVID-19 response, including visitor policies, social distancing guidelines, and prevention recommendations can be found our COVID-19 Ongoing Preparedness page.